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Tarot Card The Fool Meaning Gem Blackthorn.png
Keywords (upright)

Deception, sneakiness, evasion, hidden agendas, theft, strategy, secrecy, betrayal, caution.

Keywords (reversed)

Honesty, exposure, facing consequences, coming clean, letting go of deceit, accountability, transparency.



General Meaning

The Seven of Swords often points to tactics, strategies, stealth, and sometimes deceit. In many traditional Tarot decks, the imagery depicts a man sneaking away from a camp with a bundle of swords, leaving two behind. This card might indicate a situation where one is trying to get away with something or, conversely, feeling like they're being deceived. The Seven of Swords suggests being aware of hidden motives—either one's own or others'. It emphasizes the importance of honesty, transparency, and understanding in situations, particularly when the full picture might not be immediately clear.

Love Meaning

Seven of Swords in a Love Reading in the Upright Position:

Deception or Betrayal: There may be secrets, lies, or betrayals in the relationship, either real or perceived.

Avoiding Commitment: Someone in the relationship might be avoiding responsibility or commitment.

Independent Actions: One partner might be acting on their own without consulting the other, leading to potential misunderstandings.

Seven of Swords in a Love Reading in the Reversed Position:

Coming Clean: Revealing secrets or being honest after a period of deceit or hidden actions.

Learning from Mistakes: Recognizing past deceptive behavior and working towards transparency and honesty.

Overcoming Paranoia: Realizing that suspicions or fears about betrayal were unfounded.

Money Meaning

Seven of Swords in a Money Reading in the Upright Position:

Underhanded Tactics: Someone might be trying to get away with something financially, like theft, fraud, or avoiding payments.

Being Strategic: It could indicate smart financial planning, looking for loopholes or clever ways to save.

Beware of Scams: There's a potential risk of being deceived in financial dealings.

Seven of Swords in a Money Reading in the Reversed Position:

Recovering Losses: Retrieving something that was taken or lost, or addressing financial mistakes.

Changing Strategies: Realizing that a particular financial plan or tactic isn't working and adjusting accordingly.

Exposing Deceit: Uncovering financial scams or dishonesty, either experienced personally or by someone close.

Yes or No Meaning

Seven of Swords in a Yes or No Reading in the Upright Position:

No: There might be unseen factors, deceit, or hidden obstacles to consider.

Seven of Swords in a Yes or No Reading in the Reversed Position:

Yes, but with caution: While things might turn in your favor, it's essential to be wary of deceit or ensure that all cards are on the table.

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