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Be Undetectable with Glamour Magick

Writer's picture: Gem BlackthornGem Blackthorn

Updated: Mar 3

How to Shift Your Energy Like Marilyn Monroe to Stay Safe and Unnoticed

Background: blurred busy city sidewalk with people walking to work Foreground: Marilyn Monroe posing in a red dress
Image created on Canva by author

There’s an anecdote shared by Amy Greene, the wife of Marilyn Monroe’s personal photographer, Milton Greene. She recounted a day when she and Marilyn were walking around New York City, and despite Marilyn’s fame, no one seemed to recognize her. Marilyn then asked, “Do you want to see her?” referring to her public persona. When Amy agreed, Marilyn made a subtle shift in her demeanor, and suddenly, people began to notice her. Amy described it as if Marilyn had “pulled off a mask,” and people recognized her instantly, even though moments before, no one had noticed her.

Amy described it as if Marilyn had “turned on a light switch.” Marilyn shifted her body language, her walk, and her energy, and within moments, people around them started to recognize her as the Marilyn Monroe.

When we discuss glamour magick, people tend to think of beauty. It makes sense. I would’ve loved a spell to get rid of zits when I was thirteen. (I have since discovered a magic ingredient for all my beauty potions… antioxidants.)

Glamour magick is spellwork that affects how you're perceived. In a romantic setting, it can be used to appear more attractive or alluring. In a professional setting, you can appear confident and qualified in a job interview. Salespeople, narcissists, and cult personalities are great at glamours, even if they don't call it that.

Today I’m going to talk about how to use it for safety.

Now, before I continue, please use your common sense. I know I'm describing witchy things here, but this is not Harry Potter. It does not work like an invisibility cloak. Unless you can create an outfit out of mirrors, you will not be invisible. What I'm going to describe is meant to supplement all your current, and common sense, safety precautions.

The Marilyn Monroe anecdote teaches us that we can increase and decrease our energy output in the world. You can think of it as your aura or physical field of influence. Amy Greene described it as a light switch, but I want you to think of it as a light dimmer that you can increase and decrease incrementally at will.

If you want to compare it to another piece of media, think of Doctor Who's perception filter. You're not invisible; people just don't notice you. In a crowd, you're just another body. In a home, you're part of the furniture. On the road, you're just another car. People look past you. And just as the Doctor Who perception filters aren't foolproof, neither is a glamour. If someone is actively looking for you, and they know what you look like, they might be able to notice you. It just might take them a minute to realize you’re in the room.

This takes practice. (Side rant: I get annoyed when people provide how-to guides and expect others to do the thing on the first try. If you're new to energy manipulation, this might take you weeks to do and months to master.)

Similar to the light dimmer, the Rock Glamour is recommended widely in witchy circles for domestic violence victims who, for a slew of difficult reasons, are unable to leave their abuser. The idea is that you are as unnoticeable as a rock on the ground and less likely to draw harmful attention.

The subject creates an energetic shield that blends into the environment, like camouflage. This is mostly done by visualization. The subject visualizes themselves as a rock: solid, grounded, and unremarkable. They imagine their energy field becoming muted or "dimming" so they don't stand out.

They may repeat an intention to themselves, such as: "I am safe. I am unseen by those who wish me harm." I would recommend using the abuser's name if the harm is coming from only one person or one specific group of people.

Some witches carry an actual stone or pebble as a talisman. The stone is charged with protective energy and acts as a physical reminder of the glamour. The rock is cleansed, and the glamour is reinforced often to maintain its effectiveness.

This glamour is effective because it shifts the subject's energy field to appear neutral and uninteresting. The spellwork itself is discreet, making it suitable for situations where confrontation is unsafe.

But I called this the Marilyn Monroe glamour, not the Rock Glamour, so what gives? The Marilyn Monroe anecdote shows how energy can be modulated to attract or deflect attention at will. This concept underpins the Rock Glamour as well. It’s an energetic shift that either draws people in or helps you disappear into the background.

I'm providing this information to people who may not know the first thing about witchcraft or energy manipulation—people who may not want to stand out for any reason, stemming from an abusive partner to their mere existence being made illegal, and now there’s a hunt for them.

Or maybe you’re just shy. What do I know?

When you’re new, it’s easier to have anchors to kickstart the work, sort of like jumper cables. So if you’re doing this work for the first time, you might say:

  • “Like Marilyn Monroe, I have total control when I am seen.”

  • “Like Violet from The Incredibles, I can disappear in a crowd and control my energy field.”

  • “I can move around the city unperceived like in Doctor Who when they wear a perception filter.”

  • “Like a rock, I blend in with my surroundings.”

  • “Like a light dimmer, I control how visible I am.”

If you need to remain undetectable from forces outside of your home, you should apply the glamour before you leave the house, but there are some things you need to keep in mind:

  • You may go unnoticed at work. If you have big career ambitions, this can affect promotions, as your work will not stand out. If this is you, I recommend focusing on a light dimmer, where you decrease your energy on your way to work and then increase it once you’re safely in the building. Again, this will take practice.

  • Do not be offended if more people accidentally bump your shoulders or don’t hold the door for you.

  • Be careful driving. You could be cut off or nearly side-swiped more often.

If increasing and decreasing your energy is still difficult for you, try enchanting your jewelry (yes, this is even closer to the perception filter on Doctor Who) so that your energy is only dimmed when you’re wearing it. This way, you can easily put it on and not have to concentrate on your energy every time. I will explain how to do that in a separate post.


In the meantime, stay safe. Keep your community safe. Take care of each other.

Thank you for making it this far. I have a new download available: What every tarot card means in a money reading. Perfect for tarot readings regarding business, workplace, or personal finances (for entertainment purposes only, obviously).

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