A Month of Transformation, Tension, and Balance
(To go straight to the tarot spread, scroll down)
Go outside and take a deep breath. Is there a hint of autumn in the air or is it all in my head? Well, I’m in Florida, so the changing leaves only exist in my imagination.
Some of us may not be able to see it, but September is here in all its pumpkin spice glory. Astrologically, we begin with a historic finale — Pluto is going retrograde for the last time in our lifetime. It made its final re-entry into Capricorn on September 1, marking the end of a transformative era that began in 2008.
We have the New Moon in Virgo on September 2. It will be opposite Saturn and square Jupiter. This will prompt many of us to question our current paths and reconsider our goals.
Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus on the same day, bringing unexpected re-direction and surprises. Stay malleable and open-minded.
On September 18, we have a showstopper event — Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces. If you are a spiritual person, expect heightened intuition and spiritual awareness.
The sun enters Libra on September 22, marking the Fall Equinox, a time of balance between dark and light.
September 1 — Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn
September 2 — Uranus Retrograde in Taurus
September 2 — New Moon in Virgo
September 18 — Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces
September 22 — Sun enters Libra/Fall Equinox
September Tarot Spread
The September 2024 Tarot Spread uses nine cards to form the shape of a lantern. This symbolizes the light that guides us through the labyrinth of transformation, tension, balance, and depth.
The cards should be placed in numerical order, but you’ll notice they’re out of order in the spread. This symbolizes the chaotic energy we’re wrangling into a meaning and spiritual message.
Card 1 — Illumination: Lording over the rest of the cards, Card 1 represents the key insight or theme that will guide you through September. It’s the light that shines on your path, offering clarity and direction as you navigate the month’s challenges and opportunities.
Card 2 — Transformation and Closure: There’s a reason fall is a creepy season. It’s the season of the dead, but death is only a transformation. This card reflects the major transformation or area of closure in your life. It highlights what you need to release or embrace as you move forward, echoing the energy of Pluto’s final days in Capricorn and the Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces.
Card 3 — Tension and Uncertainty: Card 3 represents the challenges or uncertainties you may face throughout September. It shows where tension might arise and how you can navigate it with resilience, mirroring the influence of the New Moon in Virgo and Uranus retrograde.
Card 4 — Balance and Harmony: The sun will enter Libra this month. Her symbol is the scales, representing balance. This card guides you in finding harmony amidst the changes and challenges of the month. This will also mark the Fall Equinox, a balance between light and dark. This card will let you know what areas of life need to be recalibrated.
Card 5 — Intensity and Depth: This card explores the deep emotions or truths that you need to confront. It reveals where intensity lies and how to engage with it constructively, resonating with Venus’s transit into Scorpio and the transformative energy of the month.
Card 6 — Past Influences: Maybe you didn’t use the August Tarot Spread and still have lingering issues to address. Card 6 reflects past events or energies that continue to influence your current situation. It’s a reminder of what’s been learned or left unresolved, offering insight into how the past is shaping your present journey.
Card 7 — Future Possibilities: A little forecasting never hurt anyone. This card offers a glimpse of what lies ahead. It suggests potential outcomes or new directions that may emerge as you navigate the month, providing guidance on how to best position yourself for the future.
Card 8 — Practical Actions: So you have all this advice for September. Now what? This card provides actionable steps or advice for how to carry the insights of this spread into your daily life. It’s about grounding your understanding in practical terms, helping you to apply the lessons of September in tangible ways.
Card 9 — Intuitive Message: Who knows you better than you know yourself? No one, unless you’re writing a love song. Card 6 represents the inner wisdom or intuitive message that comes from within. It’s the inner flame that guides you beyond logic, connecting you to your deeper self and the spiritual insights of the month.
Navigating September 2024
The astrology of September 2024 presents a complex but transformative landscape, urging us to reflect, release, and embrace change. Use this tarot spread and let the lantern of inner wisdom illuminate your path, guiding you through the labyrinth of transformation toward a place of renewed understanding and growth. Oh, and watch some horror movies. Screaming is good for the soul.
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